Sony RX10III, A Camera I Would Buy Again
…I pulled out my Sony RX10M3 from my drawer because this camera has a gigantic, incredible 600mm zoom lens that can possibly help me get the job done!

Visiting Maple Arch Farm
Without much expectation, the farm tour ended up to be entertaining, educational, and enlightening…

A brief stop in Kuala Lumpur
While I was in KL, I noticed so many changes in life, culture, and the city…

Traveling in Japan | Basic Travel Guide
After four years of missing my family and my international travel, I returned on the plane in late March to visit Japan and Malaysia…

Visited Jim Thorpe in Pennsylvania with Leica Q2, Fujifilm X100V, and Sony RX10 III
I thought making a last-minute trip was a good idea. So I arrived on a snowy day…

Visiting Mt. Cuba Center In Fall
The gardens were well-planned so that the cohabitated plants and trees could grow into their natural form. It was an eye-opening experience to visit…

Visiting Valley Forge National Historical Park
The park is on 3500 acres of land, and you will see beautiful meadows and woodlands on top of some interesting statues, monuments…

Afternoon Walk at Brandywine Springs Park
I was surprised to see that it was an amusement park about 100 years ago…