Drawing men with Cleo Skribent fountain pen

Fountain pen drawing of a men wearing sunglasses

Every morning, after making coffee and sitting at my desk, I like to pull out my sketchbook and start doodling. It is not about creating a masterpiece; it is me waking my mind up and getting into a good flow for the day. 

Since I am not into ultra-realistic art style, I have wanted to create my own way of drawing people. Before all that happens, I need to draw more and practice more to get familiar with facial features and body shapes before I put my spin on a style. 

These drawings are part of my morning art exercise. I drew them using a Cleo Skribent fountain pen and Diamine's classic green ink. This fountain pen is probably my most expensive. I bought it in New Orleans years ago before I was really into fountain pens. It writes smoothly, and it is one of my favorites.

Portrait drawing of a long hair men using a fountain pen


Idea sketches


Drawing Peterbald Cats