Time to grow tomatoes
After the endless rainy days of Spring and the warming weather, it is time to plant tomatoes again.
Learning from my experience, don't plant your tomatoes too early, especially if the night temperature drops or is near before freezing. I bought a cherry tomato plant from Trader Joe's and put it out before it was warm enough. The tomato plant wilted overnight when the temperature dropped.
Even though I enjoy drawing cherry tomatoes and regular tomatoes, I don't try to grow regular-size tomatoes. With cherry tomatoes, I can have an abundance of them. Still, my regular-size tomatoes never made it when I was growing them.
It is fun and satisfying to grow cherry tomatoes. You will have more than you can finish. If you are growing a tomato plant in a pot, don't forget to fertilize it periodically, as tomato plants are very fertilizer-hungry.
The drawings I am sharing are from my daily drawing challenge. I'm unsure what got into me, but I was really into drawing vegetables and fresh produce. The organic shapes are so fun to draw.