How to keep your Njoy Pothos lush and full
Recently I have been seeing people asking for help with their Njoy Pothos. Their Njoy simply is not happy and they don't know why. I bought a pot of Njoy Pothos earlier this year and did have some issues initially. Therefore, I tried to change up a few things, and I was lucky the Pothos like what I did. Since everyone has a different growing environment, you may have to adjust accordingly if the situation doesn't improve.
The growth rate of Njoy Pothos is slower than some other trailing plants. Compared to Scindapsus, my Scindapsus Argyraeus grows three times faster. My Njoy is hanging right next to my Jessenia Pothos, and I can see it is growing about 20% slower, considering I am giving both of them a lot of light. Commonly, plants with a lot of white on their leaves do grow slower, but I wouldn't say Njoy is too slow if the condition is suitable. Most plants can benefit from growing in a greenhouse environment, but it is not necessary for Njoy. Humidity in my office is around 50-60%, and it is doing well.
Thanks to my plant community friend Bette, I got a very full pot of Njoy when I bought it. However, it may be too humid at the nursery, and the Pothos seemed to have some fungus issues. Some of the leaves were having yellow/orange spots on them. To remedy that, I first clipped off all the leaves that had marks on them. Since it was a tight full pot, clipping off some leaves didn't affect its look. Then I sprayed it with Bonide Copper Fungicide a couple of times a week for about two weeks. I stopped my fungus spray routine once I stopped seeing leaves with spots.
As I mentioned before, it was a full pot of Pothos. The grower must have put a million cuttings in the pot to root. Once they started to grow, the five-inch planter became too small for them. That's when I started to see brown leaves like many other Njoy owners. The culprit was, they had dried out too much and too far. Once the soil gets too dry, you will start seeing leaves browning off. After I repotted it to a slightly bigger pot and made sure I don't let it completely dry out, I rarely have browning issues unless I get too busy to water my plants. Some of you may worry about over-watering, so I suggest you try bottom watering. Feel the weight before you put the planter in a bowl of water, then hold it up periodically to feel the weight changes. You can remove it from the water once it feels a little hefty. Plants handle overwatering much better when giving more light. If you suspect you have given your Njoy too much water, you can try to let it sit on some paper towels to get the excess water out or give it brighter light.
Taking care of plants can be simple as long you learn and understand your plants. Njoy is not as challenging as many plants I have. It needs a little more attention than its greener siblings like Jessenia, Golden, Global Green, or Emerald, but it is not finicky. To summarize, don't let it dry out, and bright indirect light! Enjoy your beautiful Njoy!